如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2021年5月4日


展览贡献者:埃莉诺·艾伦博士. 罗素·福特,保罗·蒂斯


它是地球上生命最重要的组成部分之一. And while many of us take it for granted, for others it is a daily struggle to obtain. We’re talking about clean water and what needs to be done to ensure that people around the globe have the access they need to sustain themselves. 在这一集 如果/当,我们将深入探讨清洁饮用水的话题 埃莉诺·艾伦他是“人民之水”组织的首席执行官 Dr. 拉塞尔•福特雅各布斯饮用水全球解决方案总监.

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埃莉诺·艾伦 is a world-leading water expert dedicated to helping billions of people access safe and sustainable water and sanitation services needed to save lives, 保持健康, 找到工作, 并蓬勃发展. Eleanor is fiercely passionate about improving the state of the world with respect to water and sanitation. 她将自己的职业生涯奉献给了这个目标, 第一次是在多米尼加共和国担任和平队志愿者, 然后是咨询工程师(在CH2M/正规博彩十大网站排名 and Arcadis), 现在是人类用水的首席执行官. As a professional civil engineer, Eleanor has lived and worked all over the world. 作为一名在水务方面经验丰富的企业高管, 她曾领导过大型的全球和地区咨询业务, 项目管理, 项目管理, 业务发展, 和工程. Eleanor believes societal change can be accelerated through social entrepreneurship and the efforts of organizations like 人类用水.

Dr. 拉塞尔•福特 is currently the Global Director for Drinking Water and 重用的解决方案 for 正规博彩十大网站排名. He has dedicated his 30+ year career to protecting public health and safety by advancing the field of drinking water treatment. 他的饮用水行业知识是从他的效用中获得的, 咨询和学术经验. 他的经验涵盖了广泛的处理工艺设计, 可处理性测试和处理厂启动.  He has a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from Syracuse University and Master and PhD degrees in 环境al Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. 他是AWWA富勒奖获得者. Dr. Ford is a licensed professional engineer and a board certified environmental engineer.