如果之外 如果之外
如果/当 2020年12月1日

美国卫生服务:后covid -19

节目撰稿人:蒂娜Salvaggio, Donn索伦森, Paul Thies


在本期节目中,我们的嘉宾 蒂娜Salvaggio (雅各布斯医疗保健咨询负责人,APG)和 Donn索伦森 (运营执行副总裁, Mercy Health Ministry) discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the American healthcare system, 在劳动力挑战等领域, 金融的影响, 以及虚拟医学和技术不断发展的作用.

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蒂娜Salvaggio她是APG医疗保健咨询公司的雅各布斯负责人. 她拥有超过30年的医疗保健领导者经验, 注册护士兼主任医师/顾问医师, 她在识别方面很有经验, 发展中, 实施和领导团队, 程序和过程. 迪娜一直是临床环境中的领导者, 在卫生系统公司层面, 在管理式医疗中, 在医疗供应分配方面, 销售与咨询. 她的重点是精简职能, reducing cost (operational and capital) and ensuring that optimal clinical processes as well as the support services are incorporated into facility designs and operational systems. In addition, Dina has supported health systems with 紧急 response, mitigation and resiliency.

Donn索伦森 是Mercy卫生部的执行副总裁. 他负责Mercy的战略, 增长和运营, and he works 关闭ly with regional hospital and Clinic presidents to guide planning and achievement of regional and Mercy-wide goals. He’s been with Mercy since 2000 and has more than 25 years of health care experience. Mercy是美国第五大天主教医疗保健系统.S.,每年服务数百万人. 最近被评为美国15个顶级卫生系统之一.S. by Truven Health Analytics, Mercy ranks in the top five for large health systems. 索伦森活跃于几个董事会和民间组织, 他是这本书的作者, Big-Hearted Leadership: Five Keys to Create Success Through Compassion.